
An official function focused on protection and promotion of national values

An official function dedicated to the 60th birth anniversary of the late PM of Armenia Andranik Margaryan was held on June 10, 2011 in Naregatsi Art Institute. The purpose of the function focused on protection and promotion of national values. 

The function which was very interesting was attended by the late PM's colleagues, friends and family members who shared their memories about him. A documentary video film was shown on his role in the establishment of the Armenian statehood.

Before the closing ceremony the persons who have distinguished contribution in protection and promotion of national values were awarded by the organizers of the event – “Andranik Margaryan” association group.

We are happy to announce that among others who received that high honor was Davit Kocharyan, Director of developWay CJSC, who has been awarded with Certificate “For Contribution in Protection and Promotion of National Values”.
